Surfing Tips

If you've never tried an Internet browser before, here are some tips that will help you navigate through the demo and through this CD.

To return to the Interactive Demo,
click here.

To return to Internet Extras, click here.

To return to About This CD, click here.

To return to the Internet Starter Kit main menu, click the Windows graphic in the upper left corner of your screen or click here.

Tips on Browsing through the Demo

About using links
A link, or hyperlink, is a word or a picture that you can click to jump to another web page. In this demo, links are represented by blue underlined text. For example, to get to this page, you probably just clicked a link.

Note: Because the Interactive Demo is a simulation of the Internet, some of the links on the sample pages may not work correctly. If you were connected to the real World Wide Web pages, these links would be fully functional.

How to get back to the first page you opened
You can return to the first screen at any time by clicking the button in the Internet Explorer toolbar. This is the Home button, and it will take you to the first page you opened when you started Internet Explorer.

How to get back to the last page you were viewing
You can return to the previous page at any time by clicking the button in the Internet Explorer toolbar.

How to get back to the Internet Starter Kit main menu
Just click the Windows graphic in the upper left corner of your screen.